Sweat & Tears.

Together with agencies or directly for the client. As part of a team or one-man-show.

dds PLUS – Yesterday's masters. Tomorrow's masters
Kaufland – You love BBQ? You get BBQ!
Bosch DIY – Hand tools that hands love
Bosch Rexroth – Light-years ahead
Kaufland – Good taste doesn't have to be expensive
Bosch Rexroth – Adaptable for any application
VPU – Higher education for a higher calling
Make room in the territory – Hirschbräu Helles
Mixola – Cola + Orange
It's Our Nature – Faber-Castell Cosmetics
Fruits Of Love – Kaufland
The Good In You – Kaufland
Who Dares, Wins – Kaufland
Get It Done – Kaufland
AXOR ONE - Which one is yours?
The Admirer – Kaufland
Really Cheap! – Kaufland
Protect What Matters – Mercedes-Benz GUARD
Time For One More – Schwaben Bräu
From Stuttgart With Love – Porsche Tennis Grand Prix '21
20 Years Fascination – Bruno Banani
Call of the Champions – Porsche Tennis Grand Prix '20
Masters Of Fate – Trott-war e.V.
Cabin Fever – Bruno Banani
Our History Within Reach – City Museums of Esslingen
Your City. Your Game. – City Soccer
New for Old – Intersport
Roberto Geissini Fragrances
Be Different – Afri Cola
Change Illustrated – Staufen AG
Flavor, Direct From Here – Teinacher
Always the right one – AOK health insurance
A Wolf in Wolf's Clothing – Wolf Garten logo